The nationalist demand for a constituent assembly was for the first time conceded by the British Government, though indirectly and with reservations in the:

a) Cripps Proposal
b) August Offer
c) Cabinet Mission Plan
d) Act of 1935

Explanation Under Lord Linlithglow came the August offer in 1940 which declared following things:
  • Expansion of an executive council
  • Establishment of an advisory war council
  • Weight to Minority opinions
  • Recognition of Indian rights to frame their own constitution after war- This in principle accepted the demand of constituent assembly. Timeline upto this has already been shared in first questions.
Cripps Proposal was made to fulfil the demand of self government of Indians. It proposed that India shall be dominion of UK. First time it recognized right of Indians to have ‘dominion status’ and talked about giving them liberty to frame constitution. It was rejected by congress and Muslim League together.
GoI act of 1935 was made after round table conferences were over and discussion on Simon commission reports were exhaustively done. This act is very important with respect to constitution of India today. Structural part of it is made from this act only. This provided for establishment of an All India federation of provinces and princely states, abolished diarchy in states and introduced provincial autonomy, introduced bicameralism in 6 provinces, extended communal representation by providing separate electorates for depressed classes women and labours, abolished council of India, extended franchise to 10% of population, established public service sommision, RBI, and federal court.

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