The main recommendations of the Cabinet Commission included?

a) formation of Federal Union consisting of British Indian provinces and Indian States
b) A Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution for India
c) an Interim government consisting of representatives of various political parties
d) All of the above

Ans-[D] Explanation – Recommendation of the cabinet mission plans were:
  1. It proposed that there shall be a Union of India which was to be empowered to deal with the defense, foreign affairs and communications.
  2. The whole of India including the Princely States should form a Federation.
  3. There should be an Interim National Government with leaders of the Indian parties to take charge of the administration.
  4. It turned down the Muslim league’s demand for a separate Pakistan.
  5. The Cabinet mission restricted the Communal representation
  6. It provided that all the members of the Interim cabinet would be Indians and there would be minimum interference by the Viceroy.
  7. Provided for formation of the constituent assembly on democratic principle of population.
  8. Recognized Indian Right to cede from the Commonwealth.
  9. It proposed a weak Centre. All subjects other than the Union Subjects and all the residuary powers would be vested in the provinces. The Princely states would retain all subjects and all residuary powers.
  10. A Constituent Assembly will be formed of the representatives of the Provincial Assemblies and the Princely states. Each province had to be allotted a total number of seat in proportion to the its population.

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