With reference to Simon Commission’s recommendations, which one of the following statements is correct?

a) It recommended the replacement of diarchy with responsible government in the provinces.b) It proposed the setting up of inter-provincial council under the Home Department.
c) It suggested the abolition of bicameral legislature at the centre.
d) It recommended the creation of Indian Police Service with a provision for increased pay and allowances for British recruits as compared to Indian recruits.

Ans- a
Explanation– Recommendations of Simon commission were –
  1. Dyarchy in the provinces should be abolished and ministers should be made responsible to the provincial legislature,
  2. The Governor to retain the special powers for the safety of the province and for the protection of the minorities,
  3. Franchise was to be extended and legislatures were to be enlarged and
  4. Council of state would continue as the Upper House but its members would be chosen not on the basis of direct election but on the basis of indirect election by the Provincial councils.
These were some of the important recommendations.

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