Consider the following features of a climate

1. It is experienced along the eastern coasts of tropical lands.
2. This region receives steady rainfall due to Trade winds.
3. Rainfall is both orographic as well as convectional due to intense heating.
Select the climatic region which has above mentioned characteristics.
a) The tropical monsoon climate
b) The tropical marine climate
c) Mid Latitude Desert Climate
d) The cool temperate eastern margin

Explanation-It is given in page 124, certificate physical and Human geography by Goh Chen Leong. Tropical marine climate is experienced along the eastern coasts of the tropical lands, receiving steady rainfall from the trade winds all the time. Rainfall is both orographic and convectional due to intense heating.
Tropical monsoon climate wintness onshore wet monsoons in summer and off shore dry seasons in winter. They are best developed in Indian subcontinent, Burma, Thiland, Laos, cambodia, parts of Vietnam and south China and Australia.
Mid latitude desert climate is similar to those of hot deserts. They are cut off from the rain bearing winds as they are located hundreds of miles from sea and are sheltered by high mountains. Summers are very hot and winters are very cold. Winters are severe freezing lakes and rivers and strong cold winds blow all the time.
Cool temperate eastern margin climate or Laurentian climate features both maritime and continental climates. It is cold, dry. Winters are cold and dry and summers are warm and wet. Rain fall throughout the years

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