IAS Mains 2013 Optional Subject: Geography Paper-I

Question 1 (Compulsory)
Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each: 10 marks x 5 = 50
1. Differences between Normal cycle and Arid cycle of Davis.
2. Differentiate Storm Surges and Seiches.
3. Uniqueness of fauna in the Notogean realm.
4. Impact of Pleistocene Ice Age on the crust of the Earth.
5. Types of endemic plants and their degree of vulnerability to extinction.

Question 2
Answer the following in about 250 words each:
1. With suitable examples, bring out the impact of local winds on the climate of an area. 20
2. What are the characteristics that make CHC a serious threat to the ecosystem? Give examples. 15
3. What is ‘Base level’? Explain the types of base level. 15

Question 3
Answer the following in about 250 words each:
1. “Offshore Acoustic Study helped the development of the concept of sea floor spreading.” Explain.20
2. Discuss Dew point and the various forms of condensation. 15
3. Bring out the relationship between climate and vegetation in the Mountain Biome.15

Question 4
Answer the following in about 400 words each: 25 x 2=50
1. Compare the Subsidence and Glacial control theories on the formation of coral reefs. 25
2. Explain the levels of Noise pollution and the legislative measures to control it. 25

Question 5 (Compulsory)
Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each: 10 marks x 5 = 50 marks
1. ”Ellen Churchill Semple is an ardent supporter of Determinism.” Explain.
2. Role of Venezuela in the production and export of oil.
3. Misra’s theoretical stages of Rural – Urban Process.
4. Countries most affected in case of shut-down of Nuclear power.
5. Relevance of Heartland theory in Contemporary world.

Question 6
Answer the following in about 250 words each:
1. What is Geriatrics? What are the problems associated with Geriatric population? 20
2. Discuss the changing pattern of production and export of Coffee in the world. 10
3. What are the basic postulates in the Central Place Model of Christaller? 20

Question 7
Answer the following in about 250 words each :
1. “Urban Solid Waste Management poses the greatest challenge in Metropolitan planning.’ Elaborate.
2. Analyse the reasons for a comparatively poorer development of fishing grounds in tropical areas.
3. Explain the parameters for assessment and the spatial pattern of Human Development Index in the world.

Question 8
Write about the following in about 400 words each. 25 Marks x 2 = 50 marks
1. “Urban Geography is nothing but city “in” area and city “as” area.” Elaborate.
2. Analyse the causes for changes in the pattern of world trade.

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