IAS Mains 2013 Optional Subject: Political Science & IR Paper-II

Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each x 10 mark each
A. Identify the elements of change in India’s foreign policy.
B. Sketch the leadership role of India in WTO negotiations.
C. Examine the recent developments in India-Japan relationship.
D. Bring out the objectives of India seeking permanent seat in Security Council
E. Is India’s Nuclear doctrine a viable one?

Q2 Answer the following questions in about 200 words each (20+15+15=50m)
A. Compare and contrast social movements in advanced industrial and developing societies.
B. Give reasons for Regionalism of world politics.
C. Compare and Contrast Sin-India approaches to global Environmental concerns.

Q3 Answer the following questions in about 200 words each (20+15+15=50m)
A. What roles do norms, taboos and epistemic play in the context of nuclear proliferation?
B. Substitantiate APEC as a regional economic and trade arrangement.
C. Identify the major changes in the International Political economy in post Cold War period.
Q4 Answer the following questions in about 200 words each (20+15+15=50m)

A. Is the rise of social movement a sign of opening up of popular space in political process or decline of representative politics?Examine.
B. Highlight the major features of Non-alignment 2.0 document
C. Identify the role and place of Gender in the global economy.

Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each x 10 marks each
A. Identify the challenges to American hegemony in post Soviet world.
B. What does the pace of nuclear proliferation in post Cold War suggest?
C. State the place of Gender Justice in global agenda.
D. “Global commons belong to global society and requires global attention”.Comment.
E. Sketch the journey of global political economy from Washington consensus to the present.

Q6. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each (20+15+15=50m)
A. Examine major principles of State centric world views.
B. How does Marxist approcah explain contemporary International Relations?
C. ‘National Interests are Dynamic’. Identify the dynamic nature of National Interests in the contemporary world polities with suitable examples.

Q7. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each (20+15+15=50m)
A. ‘The economic content of India’s foreign trade is increasingly growing’. Substantiate the statement with economic diplomatic engagements of India in the last decade.
B. Write a note on Intellectual precursors of Realism.

C. ‘Building ‘peace by pieces’ is the basis of functionalism’. Elaborate.
Q8 Answer the following questions in about 250 words each (20+15+15=50m)
A. ‘Transnational actors have become driving forces of global politics’. Elaborate.
B. ‘A minimal State ensures maximum of Individual Liberty’. Examine the concept of Minimal State.
C. ‘Collective Security and Collective Defense are the institutional and State mechanism to sustain the domination of powers that be in International politics’. Elaborate.

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